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Account: Request More Time to Pay

Past Due Payment Extension FAQ

Can I request a payment extension before my account goes past due?

You cannot request additional time to pay until after your account goes past due. Please contact us to request additional time to pay.

What causes my account to go past due?

Failure to make a payment on your hosting account or additional services by the due date will cause the entire hosting account to enter past due status. Your hosting account and additional services may become suspended at any time once your account becomes past due. Failure to renew your domain(s) will not cause your account to become past due.

How many times can I request a payment extension?

Please contact us if you need to increase the payment extension. Subject to approval, we can increase the payment extension up to a maximum total of 28 days.

How do I request a payment extension?

If you are denied Domains Dashboard access because your account is past due, you will automatically be redirected to the Past Due page upon attempting to log in to your Control Panel. You can also contact us directly to receive a payment extension.
