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Account: Pay by Check

Please mail your check to Domain between 30 - 45 days before your due date to ensure your account status remains active. If your account goes past due, your website may go offline, and you might lose valuable site data. If your hosting account does not process payments in US Dollar amounts, please use a Credit Card to process your hosting payments.

Note: Checks must be written out in US Dollars.

How to Pay by Check

  1. Acquire an invoice of your payment(s) to confirm the amount you need to pay.
  2. Write out your check payable to 'Domain.'
  3. The Memo Line must include a domain, a Rebill ID (Order number listed in upcoming payments), and the email address on file.
  4. (Optional, Recommended): Include a copy of your invoice(s) for the item(s) you intend to pay for.
  5. Mail your check to:
    (For USD Customers)
    Web.com Group Inc
    PO BOX 947079
    Atlanta, GA 30394-7079
    (For USD Express Overnight payments only)
            Newfold Digital
            3585 Atlanta Ave.
            Hapeville, GA 30354
    (For CAD Customers)
            Newfold Digital
            5335 Gate Pkwy
            Jacksonville, FL 32256

    How to get Rebill ID (Order #)

    The Rebill ID and the Order # inside the Dashboard are the same.

    1. Log in to Domains Dashboard.

      Login to your Domains Dashboard
    2. Click on your username in the upper-right corner. 
      Username drop-down
    3. Select Billing from the drop-down menu.
      Billing Option
    4. Under Billing Information, hit Upcoming Payments.
      Upcoming Payments below Billing Information
    5. Look for the package and its details. The order number is placed on the far right. 
      Rebill ID or Order #

    Pay by Check FAQ

    How long does it take for Domain to process a check?

    Check payments are posted to customers' accounts as they are received. As long as your check payment has your username or domain name on it and is in US dollars, we will process it upon receipt. We do not hold checks for any reason, but due to delays or difficulties with mail delivery, it is necessary to send your payment 30 - 45 days in advance of your due date. If your check has not been posted, please contact your bank to determine if the check has cleared your account.

    How do I know if Domain has received and processed my check?

    Use Billing Central to review your payment status. If the status shows 'PAID,' it means that Domain has successfully received and processed your check for that particular item. If the status shows 'NOT PAID,' it means that Domain either still needs to receive your check or is still processing it. If your check has not been posted, please contact your bank to determine if the check has cleared your account.

    How do I set Check as the default payment method?

    Simply contact us and ask us to update your default payment method to check.

    Are there restrictions to what can be paid for by check

    Yes, Domain only accepts checks for items on a yearly (or longer) subscription cycle. Please contact us if you have questions about other items you would like to pay for by check (such as one-time payments for professional services).

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